Being overweight or obese can be very detrimental to the blood, heart, and vascular health. Various methods have been devised to deal with weight loss, from conventional ways to exceptionally modern approaches.
Spider veins are dilated capillaries that displays twisted in appearance, resembling spiderweb-like pattern. As you may know, having spider veins is a problem that a lot of men and women can suffer from. The condition is usually harmless but not good-looking.
There are small blood vessels that connect the veins and arteries. They are called capillaries and some may be seen on the surface of the skin. When a capillary is broken, it results to the appearance of thin, red or blue thread that becomes visible on the skin. This is common on body areas that … Continue reading “10 Causes of Broken Capillaries (Spider Veins)”
These are just a few of the causes of blood clots. When left unattended, a thrombosis can be life threatening. It can hinder normal blood circulation which can lead to the lack of blood supply to delicate tissues. When the blood clot suggests harm, proper medical management should not be ignored.
Blood clot normally forms when platelets clump together and the blood thickens to stop bleeding in response to injury. However, it can also happen when abnormal changes within the blood vessel triggers the blood clotting process resulting to thrombus (solid clump of blood) formation inside the vessel. This can cause damage to body organs especially … Continue reading “10 Best Food & Diet Meal Plan for Blood Clots During Pregnancy”
When a person is physically injured, the external layer of the involved skin is usually torn apart, causing it to bleed. In order to stop the bleeding, a number of proteins and other different blood particles start to work together in forming a blood clot with the common purpose of stopping blood loss. The process, … Continue reading “10 Blood Clotting Disorders”
AB Negative Blood Type Facts (AB+) 1. The Rarest Blood Type and Universal Plasma Donor The nature of antigens present in the serum determines the blood type. AB negative suggests that an individual has both the antigens A and B. Individuals who are AB blood group are commonly called universal plasma donors because their plasma … Continue reading “10 AB Negative Blood Type Facts”