Bleeding Ulcers Several ulcer sufferers experience the condition painless and appears to be normally comfortable even with the presence of underlying stomach ulcers. This can be potentially harmful for it increases the risk towards developing complications considering that it places the individual unaware of the ulcer and the need for early treatment when no pain … Continue reading “10 Symptoms of Bleeding Ulcer”
Most nosebleeds that occur in the anterior or frontal aspect of the nose only involve one nostril and not as severe as the posterior type. With the posterior type of nose bleed, blood may sometimes drain back into the throat, causing potential distress.
Are these some of the questions you sometimes have in mind? Well, nose bleeding is a common experience that may sometimes become very worrying. It has actually been attributed to the fact that the human nose contains several blood vessels which can easily bleed upon irritation.
What is Internal Bleeding? Internal bleeding involves the loss of blood that takes place inside the body. Due to the nature of occurrence in which, happening inside the body and usually in lesser amounts, it may take quite some time before the bleeding will be noticed. When the bleeding is rapid or intense, swelling may occur. … Continue reading “10 Signs of Internal Bleeding”
Heavy bleeding can result to insufficient amount of blood in the body that can result to further complications when not controlled immediately. This means it is important to avoid any progressive, constant, or excessive bleeding. To achieve this, the blood has a unique mechanism that involves a blood component called platelets, which serves the function … Continue reading “10 Facts About Blood Clots in Stool”
The presence of blood in the urine that can be seen with bare eyes is called gross hematuria while blood in urine only visible with the use of a microscope is called microscopic hematuria. Read how to generally prevent blood clots. Blood clots in urine is an indication of a more delicate condition concerning the … Continue reading “10 Facts About Blood Clots in Urine”