Carry By Extremities Two Person Carries for Emergency Rescue and First Aid

The two-person carry by extremities, also fore-and-aft carry in first aid is a technique used to transport an injured or incapacitated person over a short distance when one person alone cannot manage the task. This method helps distribute the weight more evenly and reduces the risk of injury to both the person being carried and … Continue reading “Carry By Extremities Two Person Carries for Emergency Rescue and First Aid”

Fireman’s Carry With Assistance Two Person Carries for Emergency Rescue and First Aid

In first aid, a Fireman’s Carry with Assistance is a technique used to transport an injured or incapacitated person over a short distance when one person alone cannot manage the task. This method helps distribute the weight more evenly and reduces the risk of injury to both the person being carried and the rescuers. To … Continue reading “Fireman’s Carry With Assistance Two Person Carries for Emergency Rescue and First Aid”

Bearers Alongside Carry Three Or More Carries for Emergency Rescue and First Aid

In the absence of available equipment, rescuers can use the Bearers Alongside  Carry technique to lift and transfer a victim especially in corridors. The steps are as follows: Survey the scene and introduce yourself. Position the victim’s hand over the chest. The rescuers position themselves standing in line on one side of the victim with … Continue reading “Bearers Alongside Carry Three Or More Carries for Emergency Rescue and First Aid”